Every photo was perfect, or near it. Even when it was fluke. Shots of the royal wedding that he thought had been awful, ended up being iconic pictures. Unsmiling celebrities would smile only for his camera.
Eamonn McCabe, the renowned Guardian picture editor and four times sports photographer of the year, is a bit of a glorified hero of mine. Since starting photography this year, working at a few gigs and club nights, I have a new found respect for incredible photographers like him. Especially without a digital camera, which I struggle with enough.
Eamonn flicked through his front page photos and portraiture and told us the stories behind them. He chatted casually about political, sports and newspaper photography. doing shoots with Iris Murdoch, Zadie Smith and... wait for it... Jude Law. Yes. Forget writing, photography is my new ambition. Jude Law I'm coming for you.
The talk was compelling, I was already interested in photography, but Eamonn's charm and wit put everyone at ease. The whole room was laughing and listening. It was instantly understandable how he was so successful, and how his photos had been so good, he knew how to make people comfortable. It is good to know that it's not all ruthless ladder climbing to success in your career, simply being friendly and down to earth can get you a long way.
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