Thursday, 8 March 2012

An unroyal post about not seeing the Queen and not feeling excited.

I have been in bed ill for about a week and therefore did not get to see the Queen today. I thought I would test the waters of leaving the house by venturing to Tesco, a whole 2 minute walk away, only to find myself coughing my life away over a self service machine. Enough said. I returned to hibernate in my bed and cuddle my meal deal.

As everyone else will probably be blogging about seeing the Queen, the atmosphere, so on and so forth... I thought: I'm going to blog about the royal visit from the outsider's perspective. Who wants to read about the Queen coming again, yawn. So being the anti-royalist I am I thought I should be the first to bring cynicism to the party and ruin everyone's fun. ANARCHY!

So there I am, reading everyone's excitable tweets about Her Majesty coming and whether or not Queenie will be wearing royal blue (shock horror), and am surprised at how impartial I feel to the whole thing. The angry left-winger/verging on communist in me is saying, why do we even have a royal family? And why is everyone obsessed with them?

I start to feel like I'm on Grumpy Old Women far before my time and need to lighten up, appreciate joy more. If the royal visit means that we have a huge party with lots of dancing and excitement then it has to be a good thing, right?

What I find depressing about it all is that it is only the royals who seem to attract this kind of display. The only family who are routinely entertained for free in various parts of the country. WHEN THEY EARN MILLIONS. Not even earn it, are given it. Why can't we do performances like this for people who might appreciate it a bit more? Or maybe the royals could do a dance performance or two, seeing as we pay for their incredible house and excessive standard of living? See how they like it eh?

In conclusion, the key thing that I felt from not seeing the Queen and not feeling excited is that, what would really have been fair and probably more interesting, were if the royals came and entertained sick folk like me now and again. They should turn the Jubilee tour into a portable entertainment service, performing nationwide for the Diamond celebration. Kate can do the cheerleading and the Queen can do Capoeira. Or vice versa?

Meal deal, bed, dancing royals, DONE.

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